This past Tuesday, I competed in the first Art Battle in Salt Lake City. I got out in the second round.
I don’t usually do Live Painting events, least of which in short 20 minute spurts in front of tons of people, and @heatherolsenart deserved to win - do NOT get me wrong on this. But the entire process was enlightening. We often need to open ourselves up to new experiences that humble us so that we can reevaluate our progress and continue to grow.
I learned this the hard way over a decade ago when studying Improvisation at Second City. When cast in a mainstage show as a young performer, I got a cocky attitude and was brought low when I tanked a class advancement audition later that same season. At both times, my wife, Kimberly, was there to support and put me in my place. I believe everyone should have someone in their life that encourages their humility and growth.
It is through our continuous challenges and defeats that keep us humble and striving for growth. Failure is a part of becoming better. We cannot let one trip keep us from walking forward. The Art Battle was extremely fun and nerve wracking. I knew early on that the proportions for my sphinx cat were off, and that it would cost me votes. As we hit the 10 minute mark, I felt I needed to move forward, regardless of error. I know that this act of persistence was the important part, not the success or failure that either moved me forward in the competition or not…